Questions & Answers

Q. – What is the site all about?
This is our place as the Class of 1993 to connect with all of our fellow alumni. Although we are designing this for our 30th reunion in 2023, we hope that this can continue to be a place to connect with our classmates for years to come.

Q. – Is there a way to contact the committee about the reunion?
At the moment, the only way is through the Facebook group (the link is at the bottom of this site). Once the backend is ready, you’ll be able to join and speak with everyone.

Q. – Why is the reunion being planned so far in advance?
Many of our classmates live in different parts of the world. It’s our hope that with enough notice, we can plan this to be a day to remember.

Q. – How much will the reunion cost to attend?
At the moment, we have no figures on the cost. We hope to have two events. A family event (picnic) and a dinner party in the evening for us adults. We will probably have pricing for each and you can choose to go to one or both events. We do hope to keep it affordable but classy at the same time. We also hope to do a small visit to Beechcroft, but this is up in the air.

Q. – When the site opens for joining, what can we expect to see inside?
Once you can register on the site, we will have:
• Galleries  • Memories   • Bios of our alumni and where they are now   • RSVP for the reunion   • Forums to keep in touch  • and more…